We perform high quality treatments in our factory site in Casale di Scodosia (PD). We have 14,000 square meters and operate within a multifunctional center that is developed in two structures of 6,000 square meters, with a 8,000 square meters outdoor area for the storage.
Our activity is mainly divided into two operational areas: one dedicated to sandblasting and one to painting. The two areas are located in the same building, ensuring that the product does not take moisture in transferring from one room to another. Then there are specific areas dedicated to the storage and packaging of the material.
We have implemented a management system in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, consistent with the values that have always set us apart, find out more.
Our focus is putting the client at the center. We share with our partners and our customers the passion for “doing things well” and respect for the different professionalities involved in the projects.
Always up-to-date technology, resources organization, great working places safety and cleanliness are the basis for excellent workmanship. A staff of over 30 highly specialized employees is constantly updated.
Our company has two large sandblasting booths, 20 x 6 x 8 meters and 20 x 6 x 6.5 meters respectively, equipped with the latest dust suppression system.
Through our tested sandblasting cycle, we perform the cleaning of metals damaged by oxidation, rust, encrustations or residues of previous varnishes.
Thanks to our 3 oven-suction cabins, indispensable for a state-of-the-art and environmentally friendly painting, we are able to provide an efficient and long-lasting service.
Recently, we have also installed a new oven essential for painting and drying plastic and carbon components, as well as metals.